Monday, February 13, 2012


Dear Blog,

Well, I'm back! At times on the trip I missed home, and the comforts that went along with it; but now that I'm back I sort of wish I were still in Nicaragua.

When I came back, I think I expected myself to put all of my memories and emotions in a nice little box and stick it on a shelf to be able to reflect on when I wanted to. To compartmentalize it. Lets just say that didn't work.

It was more like trying to shove an angry cat into a shoe box and shut the lid.

The feeling of guilt when I sat down on Friday afternoon to a lunch of roast and apple pie, and know the kids in Nueva Vida are eating rice. That I had a laundry basket full of clean clothes, plus in my closet and drawers, when the kids in Nueva Vida only had the clothes on their back. That I have a mom and dad who love me, have provided for me my whole life, and have never once abused me.

Fortunately, Eagle Brook is amazing. They gave us a booklet on "re-entering". It said several times that what I was feeling was normal and was to be expected. It was very nice to hear. Ah, read.

On a way lesser note, it is FREEZING! Going from 90* to 8* is a shock to say the least.

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine how hard it is to 're-enter' Laura - a part of you will always be in Nicaragua - hopefully there will be another opportunity for you to 'fill that cup' again. Truly an amazing, life changing experience for you.
